Saturday, January 17, 2009

And the 4th day....

It's Saturday and i still need to go to school because of holiday substitution for the upcoming Chinese New Year. And i need to go to get the full attendance thingy for my end school records.

So when i arrived, the school is practically empty even when the sun has already risen, and when the assembly starts, There's only 5boys from my class who came, and then 10girls, from a class which totals of 35students, and is supposed to be the Science Stream Class.
The boys who came was Me, Jon, Harez, Faiz, and Iman, while the girls are Rachel,Sher nee,Mun Yee,Joanne, Eunice,Yen Yoong, Athirah, Nadia, Safiyyah and Yazmeen.

And School be Damned, she didn't come today, waste all of my time planning how to talk to her.. Ah well, always got monday

So for the earlier part of the school we didn't do anything except talking crap, because the teachers are too lazy to even think of teaching us, after that we went to the chemistry lab to do some experiments about reaction thingy, i recall something about sulphuric acid and we're supposed to pour it inside one chemical which we first heat up. Then after all those experiments and crap, we went to physics and the teacher wants to teach a new topic but thankfully, 5/8 of the class isn't present, so she just gave us some exercises for us to do. Then the bell of freedom rings, and everyone just went out of the lab just like that.

Because of it is saturday and i'm not sure of the time i should tell my mom to pick me up, i just tell her to pick me up at a random time, and in this free time i went to the YE or Young Entrepreneurs party(I'm not one of the YE's btw) to get meself some free food while waiting for my mom.

Then after a while she arrives and picked me up, Arrives at home, Sleep for a while and my boss phoned me to come to work because she's busy with some tuition stuffs, So i grudgingly woke up and went to the shop, arranged some chairs in front of the counter, and continue to sleep.. Lucky there's no one that comes to the shop in the evening so i can sleep peacefully.

After my shift ended, i went back home, btw the shop is only about a 100meter from my house, and have dinner which is Crab Soup. Then i studied a bit, get bored and currently writing in this blog,

So ends my day, hope anyone who reads this have a better day than mine..

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